I wonder about using Popfile's NNTP extension as a front end for Newsbin?
I ask because Newsbin (or I) needs help filtering newsgroup spam. Spammers have become quite creative with subject and from: information; I can't seem to make Newsbin filters that catch more than a small fraction of it. Then there's the posts that aren't generally spam but which one person or another doesn't want to download. Newsbin filters only have access to subject and body information, and the rest of the information hidden in post headers seems to be wasted. Popfile as an NNTP proxy can make good use of what Newsbin can't, though it can only use subject modification to feed its determinations to Newsbin. Popfile might also be better or more flexible at classifying and excluding non-spam-but-still-undesirable posts.
Has anyone tried it?
Did you set up a separate instance of Popfile for it, or share the same between POP3 and NNTP? You had to set it for subject modification in order to be useful in Newsbin? Did you choose a binary - spam and non-spam - classification system, or more than two? What Newsbin filters did you set up to process the classifications?