Post List Focus

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Post List Focus

Postby TBlack » Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:44 am

6.60 RC1

When I click on any Watch_Topic in the Group List, Focus (Cursor) goes to the Search Box, not the actual Post List. I think this should be fixed.

When I click on any Group in any Topic, Focus goes to the actual Post List (which it should).

In 6.56 Release and any previous version I can remember, Focus always went to the actual Post List, not the Search Box.

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Re: Post List Focus

Postby TBlack » Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:47 pm


Following up, in any Watch Topic Post List, I lose the ability to scroll with my mouse wheel until I specifically click in the Post area. This does not happen in any Group Post list for any Topic.

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Re: Post List Focus

Postby Quade » Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:13 pm

Yes, that's how it works. I'll think of making a special case for watch lists.
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Re: Post List Focus

Postby TBlack » Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:04 pm

6.56 never did this. Watch Lists acted the same as Group Post Lists. Was there a need or reason for the change?

Why have the cursor go to the Search window in the Watch List Post List when the Search/Filter is already done based on a RE String? I rarely want to Search in a Watch List Post List, so if I do then I put the cursor there and type whatever.

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Re: Post List Focus

Postby Quade » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:03 am

I have an action item to look at this. Haven't done it yet.
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Re: Post List Focus

Postby TBlack » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:43 am

Ok, thanks
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Re: Post List Focus

Postby TBlack » Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:21 pm

Got the Watch List Post List Focus back and works the same for Topics Lists (and previous release versions)...well done and thanks for that :D

RC3 seems to have made all the columns visible for both Watch Topic Lists and Group/Topic Post Lists. Now, cannot hide the Group Column in Group Topics. Are you still considering an option for columns to display or optional column width?

As mentioned, 6.56 (and previous versions) handled this option very well. Seems redundant to show the Group Column in the Topic Post List when the Group Name is displayed on the left in the Group List Window and on the Tab at the top of the Post List. In Watch Lists, it makes sense to display the Group Column because Watch Lists can pull from any Local Group, so it's nice to see what Group(s) the file came from.

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Re: Post List Focus

Postby Quade » Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:43 am

As mentioned, 6.56 (and previous versions) handled this option very well. Seems redundant to show the Group Column in the Topic Post List when the Group Name is displayed on the left in the Group List Window and on the Tab at the top of the Post List. In Watch Lists, it makes sense to display the Group Column because Watch Lists can pull from any Local Group, so it's nice to see what Group(s) the file came from.

It's not redundant because you can load multiple groups into a single post list and you might want to know which groups a particular file came from.
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Re: Post List Focus

Postby TBlack » Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:48 am

Quade wrote:It's not redundant because you can load multiple groups into a single post list and you might want to know which groups a particular file came from.

Why would one want to do this? Why would I load Wallpapers and Boneless into the same Post List? Have never done this or wanted to. While some groups may be a little similar, they have different group names therefore some separation. Groups are downloaded individually and should remain that way on the screen. I have different criteria for one group versus another.

Newsgroups Groups have stood on their own. NB has even had specific Group Properties capabilities because the groups are separate and allows the user to do unique things to a group based on the Group it is.

Watch Lists are the real genius here.....they bring any post from any Group into one List based on the correct RE String. It seems best to let Watch Lists do the combining from available local groups or Internet searches.

Is there any possibility of User Options here like Columns to Display or Column Width or a specific Column Format and Width for Watch Lists and the Topic Areas?

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Re: Post List Focus

Postby Quade » Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:50 am

I typically have my groups sorted by topic and load the entire topic into a post list. It allows me to browse easily and any deletes I do apply to all loaded groups. I ONLY load multiple groups into a post lost 90% of the time.

You made a blanket statement about the groups column being redundant and it is...for you. It's not redundant for me or anyone else who groups their group and loads the entire topic into the list in one shot.
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Re: Post List Focus

Postby TBlack » Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:08 pm

Thought about your comments and logic. I understand better that displaying similar Topics or doing a Local/Internet Search or the Watch List Results, the results should include the Group to the user can see the source Group. I think I need to rethink my application of individual Groups.

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