NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

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NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby essexboy » Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:08 am

NB v6 Build 1019
Vista x86

For some reason, when nb has downloaded a group of rar files, it says its downloaded the total of the total amount of data when it hasn't. For example 2.34GB/2.34GB when in fact it shouldn't say that at all as it's only downloaded half and compiled the incompletes. I was just sitting there waiting for it to autopar and nothing happened until I manually ran quickpar to find a list of incompletes.
Also there's nothing highlighting the the current download, you have to scroll through grouped files to see what download is increasing. I really like the look of V6 but it's got some issues. Maybe the current download should be a different colour/tone or do away with progress bars and have the whole current download row highlighted. It seems the software has been re written to look simplified and be more user friendly but in fact is creating problems for long term users. I don't rant very often and don't intend to upset anyone but I think it's wise for your devs to take on board feedback, especially from those who have used the software for a few years. But did I tell you it looks really good! Oh yeah I did :D . Any response would be helpful. Cheers.
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 14, 2011 8:45 am

How many servers do you have? I identified a problem where a shitty server could cause pre-mature assembly of files. Basically if you have a crappy server that really doesn't have many/any of the posts and you let it run through a group of posts, the re-try counter starts running, when the retry counter expires, the files are assembled. Basically on the current 6.01, auto-assembly requires that at least some of each file download correctly.

I'm, curious why you have files stacking up in the download list? Really what should be happening is that the files download, process and are removed from the list. Your comment about hunting download the list suggests the files aren't clearing for you.

I'd try the most current beta. 6.01.
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby essexboy » Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:57 am

Thanks for the reply quade.

I'm only using 1 server now which is a dutch server called hitnews. I only use them because of the legal issues others have with having to flag certain files bypassing through their server. I know their retention isn't quite there yet and thats not a problem since most the stuff I need isn't that old, however a couple of bits are (which is what i'm attempting to download). The problem is that nb is displaying that all the files have been downloaded for incomplete posts showing a complete result under the size tab. Posts that are complete, autopar and are removed but incompletes stay in the download list which is what it's meant to do. However, it essembles the incompletes whithout having enough repair files and shows the download as complete. It also has completes without pars sitting in the download list too (maybe someones working on an autorar?).

I'm now running the latest beta to see if anything changes.

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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:03 am

You can PM me some of the subjects and groups of the files and I can try them here. If you only use one server, then this issue I mentioned shouldn't be happening.

Don't post the file information here.
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby essexboy » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:43 pm

Did you receive my pm quade? its saved in my outbox and not sent messages folder
Its ok, now moved to sent folder.
Last edited by essexboy on Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:44 pm

Yeah got it thanks. Working on something this second but, I'll get to it.
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby essexboy » Thu Jul 14, 2011 12:49 pm

Thanks mate.
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby Quade » Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:46 pm

- Firstly, it looks like you started with an NZB, which will always show complete because it doesn't reflect what's on the server.

- Secondly, the files were 542 days old. You mentioned your server doesn't go back in time very far. Is that within the range of your server?

- Third, it was complete and perfect on both Giganews and PowerUsenet.

It downloaded perfectly from them. So, at this point I'm not sure what to tell you. Files that old, Newsbin will assemble them even if they're incomplete, after the first retry with no new chunks from the server. You can control that in the configuration for example, you can completely disable automatic assembly of incomplete files.

I'd say if the server didn't deliver all the chunks and Newsbin assembled them and downloaded the pars, that it was doing about what I expected. Have you considered a cheap fill server like Astraweb to fill in the missing parts? I'm assuming you didn't have enough pars to repair it? It only had 100 megs of pars, about 5% meaning if you can't get at least 95% of the files off the server, the pars won't be enough to fix it. I consider 5% to be kind of light. Newsbin assumes at least 10% par coverage.
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby essexboy » Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:55 am

Yeah I always use nzb's as I don't have enough hdd space to download header lists.
Server retention should go back that far as it's downloading half the files. So if all te files were put on there the same time surely it should be able to download the whole post shouldn't it?
Not downloading full posts isn't really the problem anyway as I can usually find them elsewhere on usenet, the problem is nb is displaying the post as fully downloaded. I think it's best to disable auto assembly for incompletes as you suggested.
I do have free usenet account with my ISP, I suppose I could try using that as a slave for now and see what happens.

Thanks for your help quade.
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby Quade » Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:08 am

Try something newer then. If this is on the edge of retention, only getting some of the files is pretty common. If you watch the logging messages, you'll see whether the chunks all downloaded or not. 430 errors mean the server is saying "I don't have it". As I said, Newsbin will automatically assemble what it has of the file even if it's not complete in hopes that the pars can fix it.

If the files are old and the server is saying "I don't have some of the chunks". Assembly and hoping repair works is about all you can expect. That's why a fill server that fills in the missing chunks is a decent investment.

I do have free usenet account with my ISP, I suppose I could try using that as a slave for now and see what happens.

Might be good, might be worse than your current server. I'd set it to "Fill" so it only gets used for missing chunks on the primary server.
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby mimauk » Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:00 pm

NBPro V6.01B1

This happened to me as well this morning but only on one particular download - a tv show which might have just only been uploaded. It sat in the download list saying it had downloaded all the parts but when I manually checked with autopar it showed a few incompletes and said it needed another 38 blocks. I went to the header in the group list, expanded it and then had to click on a couple of the par files and click on ''download, bypass filters'' NB downloaded them and then repaired and assembled the file and removed the file and the two par files from the download list.

The other downloads worked fine.

I get my headers from Easynews but use Virginmedia as the main download server and Easynews as a fill server.
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby itimpi » Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:22 pm

If an item is new then newsbin will wait to see if the missing parts arrive. The default wait time is 48 hours after the initial processing although you can chang that via an entry in the .nbi file.

There are several ways to proceed:
- wait until the 48 hour period has gone by after which Newsbin will automatically assemble the files, and then download any pars required to fix the posting.
- force an immdedaite assembly via right-click and Assemble Incompletes. Like the previous item on completing the assembly Newsbin will download any par files needed.
- download the repair files manually. On finding it has enough pars to complete the post Newsbin will assemble and repair the posts.

Sounds like you did the third option?
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby mimauk » Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:52 pm

I used the third option.

What has to be changed in the nbi file so that NB will check if the parts are there the next time I start it up - say 3 or 4 hours later.??
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby Quade » Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:56 pm

If you just download headers again, it'll check and fill in the missing bits. You can set it to update headers on startup and to update headers every 30 minutes on it's own.

Automatic Update Mode

I have mine set to 60 minutes.
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby mimauk » Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:37 pm

Thanks Quade - all these little goodies that are available. :D :D :D
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby essexboy » Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:30 pm

[quote="Quade", you can completely disable automatic assembly of incomplete files.[/quote]

How do I disable this please quade?
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Re: NB V6 saying files complete when they aren't

Postby Quade » Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:37 pm


Will essentially disable it. Add this to the existing "SETTINGS" section of the NBI. You can edit the NBI with wordpad.

1 - Make sure you backup the file first.

2 - Make sure you exit Newsbin first.

You'll have to manually assemble incompletes at that point which you can do from the right click menu.

You understand that NZB's always tell Newsbin the file is complete and only during download does it become apparent that parts are missing?
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