Ability to change indexer in search

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Ability to change indexer in search

Postby jh20001 » Sat Nov 23, 2024 2:31 am

It would be nice to be able to use a different indexer for the search window when using Newsbin. I love Newsbin but I've found myself using it less and less due to this. I've been paying the yearly index/search for years and finally had enough. It didn't make sense to be doing that when I have lifetime memberships with several other indexers. I'm burning cash for no reason and Newsbin's search subscription costs way more than the lifetime memberships have cost me. So this has been pushing me over to things like Hydra and SABnzb to get away from these exorbitant costs or only using Newsbin from time to time to import NZBs into. I miss using Newsbin for everything and love telling others about it but I finally had to raise the white flag. The ability to enter your own indexer login details for other services would be a major win for Newsbin. Although, I'm sure it's more about the money than anything, so it may never happen. *shrug* :)
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