Android Newsbin Info

Discussion related to the development of a native Android version of Newsbin.

Android Newsbin Info

Postby dexter » Sat Apr 12, 2014 1:46 pm

Development of the Android version of Newsbin is well under way and it is time to gather input from you guys.

As of April 12, 2014, we are in a closed Alpha test but you can monitor progress and comment here. If you really really really want to try the Alpha, and acknowledge that it is an Alpha version and will have issues, then PM me.

I am maintaining a separate website for the Android version of Newsbin, feel free to check it out to see what's coming.
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Re: Android Newsbin Info

Postby mossboss » Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:41 pm

dexter wrote:Development of the Android version of Newsbin is well under way and it is time to gather input from you guys.

As of April 12, 2014, we are in a closed Alpha test but you can monitor progress and comment here. If you really really really want to try the Alpha, and acknowledge that it is an Alpha version and will have issues, then PM me.

I am maintaining a separate website for the Android version of Newsbin, feel free to Links not allowed for unregistered users to see what's coming.

I really, really wnat to try newsbin for android, I acknowledge it is anAlpha version and will have issues.
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Re: Android Newsbin Info

Postby Csnemrod » Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:18 pm

Is this still under development cause i am very interested. Android is becoming so popular, i dont see how this hasnt been a major topic..
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