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Reload from disk after group update

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:12 pm
by mas_astra
In 6.70B9 (Win7), I find that I have to reload the group from the disk after I 'Download the Latest Group Update' on a group that is open. or a portion of the headers do not appear. Once reloaded, all headers appear to be there, and some that were being reported as incomplete are shown as completed.

Also, only a couple of times, a download will freeze, even the program seems to be responding. I am also unable to add to the download list. Closing and re-opening the program resumes the download without issue.

Re: Reload from disk after group update

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:39 pm
by Quade
B9 has been superseded. I'd try it with the latest.

B9 will stall downloads while repair and unrar is going on. Latest makes it optional.