Duplicate file behavior

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Duplicate file behavior

Postby larft » Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:04 am

Hey Guys,

So far I'm really liking v6, no real problems or crashes except for some minor annoyances. I have several items to note but I assume you prefer a new topic for each one. I'm running B6-870 on Win7 x64.

I just noticed this tonight, not sure if it was present in B4 or B5. If I double click a post to download it and it's detected as a duplicate I get a logged message and the status icon changes to a red exclamation mark and the line of text is highlighted red as expected. If I double click the same post again the download is retried (which I wouldn't expect from NB5 experience), I get a log entry and the icon and text are changed back to green as if it was not downloaded, subsequent retries just generates a log entry. In this scenario the file was downloaded previously, probably in another group, and is not present in the download directory. If I right click the same post and do "download to existing folder" the post will download, not log a duplicate error and change the icon and text highlighting as if it was a new post that had been downloaded, repeating this scenario appears to re-download the file generate a log entry as if it had but does not rewrite the file. Then if I double click the same post again I get a logged duplicate error the icon remains the same set as a completed download but the text is highlighted in red.

I remember seeing problems with the status icons with an earlier version 5 beta that was finally resolved in one of the updates like 5.55 maybe, could this be a similar issue?
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Re: Duplicate file behavior

Postby Quade » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:51 am

Thanks. Thinking about how to handle the status stuff. I almost need an internal DB that all posts lists reference, I have one now but, the entries get removed when items are removed from the download list. Maybe I need to make them persist during the current session.
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Re: Duplicate file behavior

Postby larft » Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:45 pm

Just tried out B7-876 and noticed that duplicates still seem to have some issues, but maybe I'm telling you something you already know? If I'm stating the obvious please let me know and I'll drop it until later in the beta phase. If I double click a post that's already iconified as downloaded NB still tries to DL it then seems to ID it as a duplicate internally but does not log it as such or do anything else to notify you. I noticed this in B6 and for some posts that appear new in the list but were downloaded before, after double clicking on one all you see is some transfer activity but that's it, nothing else happens.
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