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B4 Completed Downloads Still in List

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:46 am
by Stuart264
I am running B4 with the autopar options turned off as I prefer to use an external program (See and Be Autounpack) however once the file is downloaded it stays in the download list until manually deleted even though Autounpack has processed the files, unrar'd them and deleted them, is this a continuation of the bug in B3 where downloads stayed in the list?

Re: B4 Completed Downloads Still in List

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:51 am
by itimpi
I think it is currently by design if autopar is disabled. However I know a lot of users would like them to be removed if downloaded successfully.

Re: B4 Completed Downloads Still in List

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 8:40 am
by FriedLocust
I was complaining about the same thing. :mrgreen:

Quade explained his point of view there. :)


I have to admit I slowly get used to this autopar/autounrar and then clean the list thing. lol Somehow I start to like it. :lol:

Re: B4 Completed Downloads Still in List

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:32 am
by richy99
ive had discussions with quade on irc about this and im sure that by the end of the beta cycle and when it is in final it will remove them fromthe download list

Re: B4 Completed Downloads Still in List

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:00 am
by Quade
Hmm no, actually they're there in the download list so people who want to manually control WHEN to unrar but, still want Newsbin to unrar can do so, just like back when there was an autopar tab people could unrar from.

The only question is whether I add an option for oddball cases like this where you want to unrar it externally. I don't particularly have a problem with an option to do this.

Re: B4 Completed Downloads Still in List

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:41 am
by richy99
if manual unrar using the option should remove the item from the list as its been processed

Re: B4 Completed Downloads Still in List

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:55 am
by FriedLocust
Quade wrote:The only question is whether I add an option for oddball cases like this where you want to unrar it externally. I don't particularly have a problem with an option to do this.

May I suggest a button in the download list, if checked with the function to clear the download list when finshed, unchecked leave the list as it is - for further manually unraring if necessary?

Re: B4 Completed Downloads Still in List

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:21 pm
by neilt0
FriedLocust wrote:
Quade wrote:The only question is whether I add an option for oddball cases like this where you want to unrar it externally. I don't particularly have a problem with an option to do this.

May I suggest a button in the download list, if checked with the function to clear the download list when finshed, unchecked leave the list as it is - for further manually unraring if necessary?

Why would you want to keep changing that option? I'd rather it be in the Options as a permanent override.

Re: B4 Completed Downloads Still in List

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:30 pm
by FriedLocust
neilt0 wrote:
FriedLocust wrote:
Quade wrote:The only question is whether I add an option for oddball cases like this where you want to unrar it externally. I don't particularly have a problem with an option to do this.

May I suggest a button in the download list, if checked with the function to clear the download list when finshed, unchecked leave the list as it is - for further manually unraring if necessary?

Why would you want to keep changing that option? I'd rather it be in the Options as a permanent override.

Because I currently use it as quade intended. I let newsbin unrar and unpar it.
But for bigger files like bd50's I have to set another unrar path. I use external drives for it (I know there is an option for this) because I don't have enough diskspace. A button where I can turn all automatic unrar/unpar and cleaning the list without unchecking all in the options would be handy. Going into options for turning it off on/on is tedious (for me). :mrgreen:

Don't get me wrong - nothing speaks against a permanent override, I just suggested an button doing this in one click. :wink:

Re: B4 Completed Downloads Still in List

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:27 pm
by mho
Quade wrote:Hmm no, actually they're there in the download list so people who want to manually control WHEN to unrar but, still want Newsbin to unrar can do so, just like back when there was an autopar tab people could unrar from.

...and we appreciate the improvement:-)

Would still like to see "Delete RARs and PARs" functionality, back, though. Two use cases:
* Remove incomplete downloads that you decide are no longer interesting or not likely to complete.
* Clean up after using external unpacker (I alternate between using 7z and letting Newsbin unrar)

- mho

Re: B4 Completed Downloads Still in List

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:14 pm
by Wildfire
I'd appreciate an auto-clear option for the download list. I'm one of those supposedly "oddball" cases, I prefer to unrar myself.

(I also like to see all files in a group, so I don't like the compact view which -at least currently- cannot be disabled permanently)

Re: B4 Completed Downloads Still in List

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:43 am
by magician1962
Maybe I can suggest an alternative option. Myself I auto unrar, so am not really affected

We have the "Downloads" tab where the files currently remain.

Would it be possible to move them to a new tab, maybe called - "Pending Unpack", "Finished download" "What Next?" or something suitable. Which when automatically processed get removed as they would then appear under the Files tab. Otherwise they stay for user intervention.