Wine V2.0.0.0 32/64 Bit Issue

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Wine V2.0.0.0 32/64 Bit Issue

Postby Stuart264 » Fri Jan 27, 2017 6:46 am


Before i file a ticket over at WineHQ regarding this I wanted to ask you what the difference is in the Header import routines between the 32 and 64 bit versions of Newsbin as the upgrade to WineHQ's Version 2.0 has meant that if i run the 64 bit version of Newsbin the header imports take forever (like 24+ hours to import the last 7 days of posts from a.b.teevee) with a clean install of wine but once I forced the wine architecture to 32 bit and installed the 32 bit version of Newsbin the header imports run quickly again.
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Re: Wine V2.0.0.0 32/64 Bit Issue

Postby Quade » Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:19 pm

(like 24+ hours to import the last 7 days of posts from a.b.teevee)

The code is identical. I suspect the real problem is the spammers that have invaded TeeVee.


It's also possible you found some 64 bit regression in Wine though.
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Re: Wine V2.0.0.0 32/64 Bit Issue

Postby Stuart264 » Fri Jan 27, 2017 5:37 pm


Thanks, it was the spam that was causing the problems, I have applied the filter fix and it appears to be loading the headers now, though I will stick with the 32 bit version under Wine for a bit as it seems to run a lot faster than the x64.

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