V6 unable to unpack V5 headers?

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

V6 unable to unpack V5 headers?

Postby Kilted » Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:20 pm

Haven't used NB for a while because of bandwidth issues, but have previously used if for what seems like 10 years or more. Never really had any problems, but it is currently doing my head in!

Given the poor results from my normal NZB search engine, I, for the first time, used the "search" facility within NB - great, I thought, exactly what I was looking for - dbl-clicked the headers and down they came .. and then . . . . . .

Nothing. Zip. Nada!

Cheking the folder, rather than the usual files sorted by download , there's all this gobbledeegook with what appears to be random file names, none of which will unpack, because they all say some file or other (which is in the other set with the same title!) is missing! A little googling suggests that there is a new method of handling headers, so off I go and download the V6 beta

Having done this and installed it, I expected my problems to be over, but alas, no! Following the prompt on the update page, I import the version 5.xx headers, thinking that everything will now unrar, but again, no.

A bit of looking on here and elsewhere tells me that V6 will not even attempt to unrar unless there is a par file present, yet NONE of the files I searched for show as having PARs present in the file list!!! So, apparently the whole file is there, but NB can't be bothered to check it and there don't seem to be any pars available (that it could find - I researched)

This is really odd - NB used to be really intuitive, not it appears to be the opposite - I just downloaded about 6GB of my 10GB available from my stingy ISP and now NB doesn't seem to be able to do anything with it - not happy Image link not allowed for unregistered users

Tried right-click to force testing, but can't find any NZBs for the files downloaded from the search within NB

If I am being a numpty, please tell me, but otherwise, please HELP!
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Re: V6 unable to unpack V5 headers?

Postby Quade » Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:01 pm

- Most files have par files. Click the arrow to expand the listing you should see par files

- If you're using search, you don't have to bother with importing headers, they're not even used.

- I'd set a 100 meg min size filter when searching, this'll remove most of the spam. Just a guess but, I'll bet you're downloading viral spam and not file sets. It it's under 50 megs, it's probably junk (general rule, it doesn't apply to a few groups).

If you want to PM me a specific file you tried to download, all I need is the subject, I can try it here. Don't post it here.
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