I was a little wary of trying this after reading posts that the changes weren't remembered on restart and other problems.
But I decided to try it anyway...followed the video exactly, except the only thing I did different was after making the changes and before closing Newsbin, I saved the configuration file as version 4 layout something.
And, the result was, it works perfectly, even after restarting Newsbin, so to anybody who was afraid to try it like I was...it does work at least sometimes. It's a nice layout when downloading pictures with the thumbnails...and when you're downloading rars instead, you don't need the thumbnails and have other options.
Thanks for the video.
After that video finished I noticed some Giganews videos made last year came up in the sidebar on usenet instructions. I watched them for the heck of it and they gave Newsbin some nice plugs, though it was almost a little comical seeing them compare how to do things on Newsbin side by side with Outlook Express, as if they were really comparable.