Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

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Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby Quade » Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:45 am

Link removed temporarily because of a couple reports.

NZB: Report that download from post list with NZB doesn’t use NZB Download folder.

Display: Files list - Download Descriptions and poster don’t sort.
Display: Changed watch lists to obey “display age”.

AutoPAR: Obscured rename - Files don’t have extensions now. Scan files and add proper extensions based on file type.
AutoPAR: Look in subject for rename topic when downloading obscured.
AutoPAR: Certain NZB’s contain download that are 3 way encoded. RAR/ZIP then RAR again.

NZB: Make sure samples don’t get mixed in when doing forced compaction. Do I really need forced compaction?
NZB: When loading NZB to post list, NZB path wasn’t being used. I never reproduced this but confirmed it’s working. Might be the change to show Decode path threw people off.
NZB: Put filepath validator in Remote NZB Decode Path because there’s a chance it’s only a partial path.
NZB: Added another PAR filename format because NZBGeek started delivering non-standard files.

Download: Some PAR only sets linger in the download list even when they finish downloading.
Download: Confirmed using root path for download path won’t work.
Download: Report that apparent incompletes cause crashing. Black lines in the progress bar anyway - No repro
Download: More new NZB Formats added which didn’t compact which resulted in some left over PAR files.

Posting: Report that posting doesn’t work to easynews but 6.82 works, single server issue? - Report is that any text only posting fails. Fixed - Posted chunk was lost bet

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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby cat_man » Thu Nov 04, 2021 9:10 am

RC4 appeared to use the directory above the listed datapath to use as the datapath putting all new NB data files and directories there. It also reset my display layout even though that option was locked. Back to RC3 and layout and datapath all normal.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby Quade » Thu Nov 04, 2021 9:55 am

Did you upgrade or do a fresh install?
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby mimauk » Thu Nov 04, 2021 10:30 am

RC4 upgrade has wiped my nbi. file. When I start NBPro from the desktop shortcut, I get two split panes with Search on top and the other default folders on the bottom pane and there isn't even the default file list you get from a new install.

I tried an old nbi file from the beginning of the year but just got the new install default gui and a popup saying no server.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby Quade » Thu Nov 04, 2021 10:56 am

The NBI doesn't contain the screen layout. It's in "Workspace.xml".

Like I asked the other guy, was this an upgrade or fresh install?

I have a theory about what's going on. I'm wondering if you both set the DataPath manually at some point and it's missing the trailing slash?
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby cat_man » Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:03 am

It was an upgrade from RC3 to RC4 and then upgrade back to RC3.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby cat_man » Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:07 am

Datapath was missing the trailing /. Put it in and RC4 now works ok. Haven't tested a download yet to verify par handling.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby Quade » Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:15 am

That's good to know. Thanks. It's something that should be handled automatically. I'll check it out. Might need a new RC4. Well, RC5.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby mimauk » Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:24 am

It was an upgrade from RC3 to RC4.

My download folder was on my D:\ drive - a seperate 2TB hdd.

With trying the old nbi file everything has defaulted to a new install, although the spool6 folder still shows all my subscribed groups. I've made a list of all the groups and will completely uninstall NBPro and start everything from a new install.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby mimauk » Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:30 am

On a seperate issue, I noticed that with a every use of NBPro the .nbi file gets a fresh time stamp but the nbi.bak and the nbi.old get the same new time stamp. I would have thought that the bak and old files would have had the previous time stamp so they could be renamed and used in case of a problem. It's just something that has always puzzled me.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby cat_man » Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:37 am

Handled downloads correctly and only downloaded 1 par2 file and cleaned up. One problem, in options I have "Download folder for downloads for NZB files" set to C:\Download\ab.nzb\$(NZBFILE)\ . My "Main download folder" is set to C:\Download\$(GOG)\ It put the downloaded file into C:\Download\a.b.movies.repost\FILENAME
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby Quade » Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:44 am

How are you feeding the NZBs? I specifically tested to make sure it's using the NZB Download folder when I D&D'd the files.

What's the unrar path set for? Keep in mind that "Download" and "Unrar/Decode" are different paths so, it might be downloading to the proper folder but unraring, to the main download folder.

I'll check it out again. Someone on IRC reported a behavior change but I couldn't reproduce it.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby Quade » Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:45 am

With trying the old nbi file everything has defaulted to a new install, although the spool6 folder still shows all my subscribed groups. I've made a list of all the groups and will completely uninstall NBPro and start everything from a new install.

You probably just needed to add a trailing slash to the data folder in the NBI for it to go back to working the way it was working before.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby cat_man » Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:46 am

Double clicking on NZB to feed NB. Unrar path set to C:\Download\$(GOG)\
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby Quade » Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:38 pm

So the fact the NZB files decode to the "C:\Download\$(GOG)\" is to be expected?

I might try setting the decode path to


Then leave the main download folder to ....$(GOG)\
and the NZB Download Folder set to ....$(NZBFILE)\

If should then use the NZB File for the decode path for NZB's and the GOG for decode path for non-NZBs.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby cat_man » Thu Nov 04, 2021 1:55 pm

Works, thanks
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby mimauk » Thu Nov 04, 2021 2:28 pm

Reinstalled and set up how I like it but have now made a copy of the nbi and the workspace.xml in a seperate folder on a different drive. Just in case.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby cat_man » Thu Nov 04, 2021 2:57 pm

During downloading the progress bars don't go to completion anymore.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby Quade » Thu Nov 04, 2021 5:59 pm

I have a fix for the "Not working if the trailing slash is missing". I'll probably re-purpose this post for RC5.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby FrizzleFry » Thu Nov 04, 2021 9:16 pm

In the 5483 beta, double-clicked, drag-n-dropped and autoloaded from watched folder NZBs get downloaded immediately using the main download folder template.

When loading an NZB to a post list and downloading from there the NZB download folder template is used.

I think all NZB downloads should use the NZB download folder template.

Is the ability to double-click or drag-n-drop an NZB to load it into a post list, rather than immediately download, gone now?

I also had the issue with the data folder not having the trailing \ even tho my data folder is in the default location (%LocalAppData%\Newsbin)
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby Quade » Fri Nov 05, 2021 12:53 am

1 - Agreed in the NZB watch path.

2 - Feeding to post list from D&D and open is currently disabled. You can still load them to post list with the file menu "Load NZB".

3 - I've fixed the trailing empty slash thing. I'm look at a fresh install NBI file and the path includes a trailing slash. Not sure if maybe in the past the slash got lost or not.
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby FrizzleFry » Fri Nov 05, 2021 6:30 pm

My nbi did not have a trailing slash before installing 5483 so it's not that the install removed it. I'm not sure when it got removed but I do seem to remember having to add or remove it at some point way back.

By "Agreed in the NZB watch path." do you mean that opened and D&D'd NZBs should use the main download folder template?
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Re: Newsbin Beta 6.90RC4 - build 5483

Postby Quade » Sat Nov 06, 2021 12:46 am

I mean that the default should always be "NZB Download path" if one is set for both NZB Watch and D&D. If you set a different one in the watch options, it'll override the default NZB Path.
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