With the addition of Sonarr and Sickbeard support, it would be nice to have the ability to close NB and turn off the computer at a set time. The computer could be set to shut off say at midnight after the popular shows have posted and downloaded, but the set time would control when everything shuts down.
I don't use either of the above, but am currently using the Watch Lists & RE to do these grabs, and have these Watch Lists set to automatically download any hits. I live in the Eastern TZ and sometimes I turn in before the days shows are posted and I usually shut everything down rather than leave my computer on all night.
Usually, shows are posted within a few minutes of ending, so I could set NB to shut everything down at say midnight or 1:00 am. This would help to insure getting the files before they could potentially be deleted from the Net. Usually, they are there the next morning, but normally they are available late the previous evening.
Seems that most of the code is already there to close NB and shut down the computer, just allow the user to trigger this process at a specified time.