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Force single par download/remove from nzb queue

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:56 pm
by vspazv
Here's a situation I ran into that I had to resolve by using a separate newreader.

I had a nzb for a 2GB download in 40 parts plus some pars. Unfortunately the first ~20 files were corrupted beyond repair.

The first 20 files were then reposted which gave me enough files to repair the entire download.

The problem occurs that since I have two separate nzb files I can't just download a par file and sort it out myself. I gave up after it renamed my good files the third time and just used another program to get the file I needed to complete the repair.

TL;DR: I want a right click option to break a file from the nzb grouped queue when the AutoPar acts fubar.

Re: Force single par download/remove from nzb queue

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:06 pm
by Quade
Just hit the "+" and expand the set of files, then add the files you want to download instead of the whole set. You might need to manually delete the bad ones first though. Keep in mind too, you can download to other folders and then manually combine the set together too.

Maybe I'm not understanding but, I think you can make this work with Newsbin without too much effort.

You know you can "Load" the NZB using the load NZB button and them manually manipulate what you add to the download list right?

Re: Force single par download/remove from nzb queue

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:38 pm
by meimeiriver
Quade wrote:You might need to manually delete the bad ones first though. Keep in mind too, you can download to other folders and then manually combine the set together too.

Am in a similar situation myself. Manual delete does not seem to work. :( When I try and delete several incompletes files, I'm asked whether I really want to remove them. Before I can click 'yes,' though, NB itself has already deselected those files (!) and nothing happens as a result.

Re: Force single par download/remove from nzb queue

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:48 pm
by meimeiriver
meimeiriver wrote:
Quade wrote:You might need to manually delete the bad ones first though. Keep in mind too, you can download to other folders and then manually combine the set together too.

Am in a similar situation myself. Manual delete does not seem to work. :( When I try and delete several incompletes files, I'm asked whether I really want to remove them. Before I can click 'yes,' though, NB itself has already deselected those files (!) and nothing happens as a result.

At this time NB has reached a point where it's forcefully downloading all incomple files, despite my express attempt at deleting those from queue; and while I have another set of perfect good files waiting. Very frustrating.

Re: Force single par download/remove from nzb queue

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:06 pm
by Quade
There's some fundamental disconnect here. It's not that hard. You can't delete files within a set thouugh you can pause them. I'd suggest not adding entire sets when you're trying to stitch together two broken sets of files.

How about clearing out the download list. Yes or no on "Delete partial files". I don't care. Then load one NZB into the post list, hit a + to expand the files out and add just the files you want to download. You maybe want to "Download to New Folder" these files to download them to a fresh folder. You may want to disable the duplicate checker in the advanced options too.

Then load the second set and repeat with the files you want.

When you're done, you ought to have two folders that you can combine and use Quickpar to check and WinRAR to unrar.

Re: Force single par download/remove from nzb queue

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:55 pm
by meimeiriver
Quade wrote:There's some fundamental disconnect here. It's not that hard. You can't delete files within a set thouugh you can pause them. I'd suggest not adding entire sets when you're trying to stitch together two broken sets of files.

Quade, I appreciate your patience, but unfortunately I had to downgrade tonight. I found an old (but recent enough) nbi config file, cleared and caches and queues, and downgraded smoothly to 5.59, Build 9826, where I can delete and add individual files at my heart's content. :)

Also, every time I restarted NB Pro, it took nearly 20 minutes of disk-trashing for it to even begin downloading again (huge nzb set: nearly 900G, but still). And I don't exactly have a slow machine (i7, 980X. 12G RAM, highspeed discs, etc). It just wasn't working out for me any more.

I had a good preview of things to come, and will be looking forward to the day it gets out of beta. :)